Price Policy

Editorial Processing Charge

Manuscripts undergo a preliminary Editorial Preview process upon submission to the journal. The Editorial Preview process is conducted by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

In Editorial Preview phase, the article's compliance and adequacy with the ethical principles, writing rules and scope of the journal are evaluated. In this preliminary review stage, articles that are not found suitable or adequate for the Journal are rejected, and articles deemed suitable and adequate for the Journal proceed to the next stage.

Please do not make any payments without passing the Editorial Preview stage.

If the manuscript passes the Editorial Preview stage, the author(s) must pay the Editorial Processing Fee to initiate the peer-review process. At this point, author(s) are required to deposit 3,000 TL / 120 USD to Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Revolving Fund (MAKÜ Döner Sermaye) bank account to cover the editorial processing costs of the Journal.

The payment should include the Article ID in the description.

The peer-review process will start only after the payment of the article processing charge.

The Editorial Processing Charge is non-refundable. The Journal will not refund in cases where the article is rejected/not published based on peer reviews or a decision by the Editorial Board. Refund requests based on different interpretations of reviewers’ or editors’ evaluations will not be considered.

Please do not forget to add Article ID information in the description of payment. After making the payment, we kindly ask you to send the receipt via e-mail:

Editorial Processing Charges (EPCs): 3,000.00 TL or 120 USD per article

IBAN: TR43 0001 0000 5851 4087 6550 94


Editorial Processing Charges (EPCs): 3,000.00 TRY