Peer Review Process

The aim of the peer review process is to ensure that only high-quality and original scientific studies are published. All published articles in Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty are peer-reviewed; and all manuscripts submitted follows the procedure outlined below.

Initial Manuscript Assessment
After getting scanned for plagiarism, all manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal initially go through a process of preliminary assessment which is carried out collectively by the editor and the editorial board. Manuscripts that are outside of the journal’s scope or insufficiently developed as an academic paper are sent back to the authors for revisions. Manuscripts that haven’t completed the peer-review process will never be accepted for publication by the editor at this stage.

Peer Review Policy
Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty employs double-blind review process, where both referees and authors remain unknown to each other.

Referees’ Assessment
After pre-review, manuscripts are sent to at least two referees (peer reviewers). If deemed necessary, the editor or the editorial board may increase the number of referees. Referees are chosen according to their field of expertise.
Referees are asked to assess manuscripts’ originality, methodology, contribution to the scientific literature, presentation of results and support for the conclusions, as well as if previous relevant studies regarding the manuscript have been appropriately referenced in it. Referees may conclude that a manuscript should be accepted for publication as it is, that it should be accepted after revisions, or that it should be rejected. For a manuscript to be published it needs to be accepted for publication by at least two referees. In cases where a referee accepts a manuscript for publication while another one rejects it; the manuscript is sent to a third referee for additional assessment.
The authors must consider any critiques and suggestions offered by the referees and if any referee suggested a revision, they must send a revised version of their manuscript within 15 days for further assessment by the referees. Referees may request revisions more than once.

Final Evaluation
After the peer review process is completed, the editorial board makes the final decision, based on the reviewers' reports. The board has the right to make the final decision to whether to publish the work, or reject it, or send it to other reviewers for new reports.


Last Update Time: 10/24/23, 10:35:02 AM