Research Article
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The effects of electronic navigation devices on marine accident occurrences

Year 2022, , 89 - 98, 01.01.2022


In recent years, maritime-related organizations and companies have moved to a risk-based approach. To determine the risks, it is necessary to understand comprehensively why accidents occur and how it develops. The most effective measures need to be identified to implement the accident prevention measures successfully. According to the results of scientific studies conducted in the past, 80% of human factors risks were effective in marine accidents. Nowadays, maritime technologies are the most effective method for reducing the risks of human factors. However, the use of electronic navigation devices has not eliminated accidents. In this study, the accident reports for collision and grounding due to the electronic navigation devices' risk was evaluated using Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) method. As a result of the study, more than half of the visible (active) causes of accidents have been identified as operating failure factors in electronic navigation equipment. Recommendations to prevent the occurrence of accident factors have been made.


  • Akhtar, M. J., Utne, I.B. (2014). Human fatigue’s effect on the risk of maritime groundings - A Bayesian Network modeling approach. Safety Science, 62, 427–440.
  • Akyuz, E. (2017). A marine accident analysing model to evaluate potential operational causes in cargo ships. Safety Science, 92, 17-25.
  • Altinpinar, İ., Başar, E. (2021). Investigation of the effect of vessel type on seafarers’ safety culture. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics,
  • Celik, M., Cebi, S. (2009). Analytical HFACS for investigating human errors in shipping accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41(1), 66–75.
  • Chauvin, C., Lardjane, S., Morel, G., Clostermann, J.P., Langard, B. (2013). Human and organisational factors in maritime accidents: Analysis of collisions at sea using the HFACS. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 26–37.
  • Chen, S.T., Chou, Y.H. (2012). Examining human factors for marine casualties using HFACS- Maritime accidents (HFACS-MA). 394-396.
  • Chen, S.T., Wall, A., Davies, P., Yang, Z., Wang, J., Chou, Y.H. (2013). A Human and Organisational Factors (HOFs) analysis method for marine casualties using HFACS-Maritime Accidents (HFACS-MA). Safety Science, 60, 105–114.
  • Emsa (2018). Annual overview of marine casualties and incidents 2018. Retrieved from (accessed 15.03.2019).
  • Grabowski, M., Sanborn, S.D. (2003). Human performance and embedded intelligent technology in safety-critical systems. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 58(6), 637-670.
  • Graziano, A., Teixeira, A.P., Guedes Soares, C. (2016). Classification of human errors in grounding and collision accidents using the TRACEr taxonomy. Safety Science, 86, 245–257.
  • Hahn, A., Lüdtke, A. (2013). Risk assessment of human machine interaction for control and enavigation systems of marine vessels. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 9(PART 1), 368–373.
  • Hulme, A., Stanton, N.A., Walker, G.H., Waterson, P., Salmon, P.M. (2019). Accident analysis in practice: A review of Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) applications in the peer reviewed academic literature. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 63(1), 1849–1853.
  • IMO (2006). MSC 85/26 Annex (20)- Strategy for the development and implementation of e-navigation. Retrieved from (accessed 19.05.2021).
  • IMO (2013). Report of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation on its fifty-nine (NAV 59/6). Annex 3. Preliminary maritime service portfolios. Retrieved from (accessed 19.05.2021).
  • IMO (2014). Report of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication, Search and Rescue on its first session (NCSR 1/28) Annex 7. Draft e-navigation strategy implementation plan. Retrieved from (accessed 19.05.2021). Kaptan, M., Sarıalioğlu, S., Uğurlu, Ö., Wang, J. (2021b). The evolution of the HFACS method used in analysis of marine accidents : A review. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 86(November), 86, 1-16.
  • Kaptan, M., Uğurlu, Ö., Wang, J. (2021a). The effect of nonconformities encountered in the use of technology on the occurrence of collision, contact and grounding accidents. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 215(December 2020),107886.
  • Martins, M.R., Maturana, M. C. (2013). Application of Bayesian Belief networks to the human reliability analysis of an oil tanker operation focusing on collision accidents. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 110, 89-109.
  • Mazaheri, A., Montewka, J., Nisula, J., Kujala, P. (2015). Usability of accident and incident reports for evidence-based risk modeling - A case study on ship grounding reports. Safety Science, 76, 202–214.
  • Parasyris, G., Georgoulis, G.L., Nikitakos, N. (2010). Technological improvements on bridge systems as a key factor to marine accident prevention. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics. Retrieved from's_Bridge (accessed 14.06.2021).
  • Patterson, J.M., Shappell, S.A. (2010). Operator error and system deficiencies: Analysis of 508 mining incidents and accidents from Queensland, Australia using HFACS. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(4), 1379–1385.
  • Perera, L.P., Guedes Soares, C. (2015). Collision risk detection and quantification in ship navigation with integrated bridge systems. Ocean Engineering, 109, 344-354.
  • Rashid, H.S.J., Place, C.S., Braithwaite, G.R. (2010). Helicopter maintenance error analysis: Beyond the third order of the HFACS-ME. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40(6), 636–647. Reason, J. (1990). Human error. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9780521314190
  • Shappell, S.A., Wiegmann, D.A. (2000). The Human Factors Analysis and Classification System–HFACS. Retrieved from (accessed 14.02.2019).
  • Sotiralis, P., Ventikos, N.P., Hamann, R., Golyshev, P., Teixeira, A.P. (2016). Incorporation of human factors into ship collision risk models focusing on human centred design aspects. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 156, 210-227.
  • Ugurlu, O., Yıldız, S., Loughney, S., Wang, J. (2018). Modified human factor analysis and classification system for passenger vessel accidents (HFACS-PV). Ocean Engineering, 161, 46–61. Uğurlu, Ö, Köse, E., Yıldırım, U., Yüksekyıldız, E. (2015). Marine accident analysis for collision and grounding in oil tanker using FTA method. Maritime Policy & Management, 42(2), 163–185.
  • Uğurlu, Özkan, Köse, E., Yildirim, U., & Yüksekyildiz, E. (2013). Marine accident analysis for collision and grounding in oil tanker using FTA method. Maritime Policy & Management: The Flagship Journal of International Shipping and Port Research, 42(2), 163-185.
  • Weigmann, D.A., Shappell, S.A. (1997). Human Factors Analysis of Postaccident Data: Applying Theoretical Taxonomies of Human Error. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 7(1), 67–81.
  • Yıldırım, U., Başar, E., Uğurlu, Ö. (2017). Assessment of collisions and grounding accidents with human factors analysis and classification system (HFACS) and statistical methods. Safety Science, 119, 412-425.

Elektronik seyir cihazlarının deniz kazalarına etkileri

Year 2022, , 89 - 98, 01.01.2022


Son yıllarda denizcilikle ilgili kuruluşlar ve şirketler risk bazlı bir yaklaşıma geçmiştir. Riskleri belirlemek için, kazaların neden oluştuğunu ve nasıl geliştiğini kapsamlı bir şekilde anlamak gerekir. Kaza önleme tedbirlerinin başarıyla uygulanabilmesi için en etkili önlemlerin belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Geçmişte yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların sonuçlarına göre; seyir esnasında meydana gelen kazaların kaza nedenlerinin %80’inin insan faktörlü risklerden kaynaklandığı tespit edilmiştir. Günümüzde insan kaynaklı risklerin azaltılmasında seyir teknolojilerinin kullanılması en etkili yöntem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, elektronik seyir cihazlarının kullanımı kazaları tamamen ortadan kaldırmamıştır. Bu çalışmada İnsan Faktörleri Analiz ve Sınıflandırma Sistemi (HFACS) yöntemi uygulanarak elektronik seyir cihazlarına dayalı risklerin neden olduğu çatışma ve karaya oturma kaza raporları incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, kazaların görünür (aktif) nedenlerinin yarısından fazlasının elektronik seyir ekipmanları işletim hatası faktörlü olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kaza faktörlerinin oluşumunu önleyici tavsiyelerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Akhtar, M. J., Utne, I.B. (2014). Human fatigue’s effect on the risk of maritime groundings - A Bayesian Network modeling approach. Safety Science, 62, 427–440.
  • Akyuz, E. (2017). A marine accident analysing model to evaluate potential operational causes in cargo ships. Safety Science, 92, 17-25.
  • Altinpinar, İ., Başar, E. (2021). Investigation of the effect of vessel type on seafarers’ safety culture. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics,
  • Celik, M., Cebi, S. (2009). Analytical HFACS for investigating human errors in shipping accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41(1), 66–75.
  • Chauvin, C., Lardjane, S., Morel, G., Clostermann, J.P., Langard, B. (2013). Human and organisational factors in maritime accidents: Analysis of collisions at sea using the HFACS. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 59, 26–37.
  • Chen, S.T., Chou, Y.H. (2012). Examining human factors for marine casualties using HFACS- Maritime accidents (HFACS-MA). 394-396.
  • Chen, S.T., Wall, A., Davies, P., Yang, Z., Wang, J., Chou, Y.H. (2013). A Human and Organisational Factors (HOFs) analysis method for marine casualties using HFACS-Maritime Accidents (HFACS-MA). Safety Science, 60, 105–114.
  • Emsa (2018). Annual overview of marine casualties and incidents 2018. Retrieved from (accessed 15.03.2019).
  • Grabowski, M., Sanborn, S.D. (2003). Human performance and embedded intelligent technology in safety-critical systems. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 58(6), 637-670.
  • Graziano, A., Teixeira, A.P., Guedes Soares, C. (2016). Classification of human errors in grounding and collision accidents using the TRACEr taxonomy. Safety Science, 86, 245–257.
  • Hahn, A., Lüdtke, A. (2013). Risk assessment of human machine interaction for control and enavigation systems of marine vessels. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 9(PART 1), 368–373.
  • Hulme, A., Stanton, N.A., Walker, G.H., Waterson, P., Salmon, P.M. (2019). Accident analysis in practice: A review of Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) applications in the peer reviewed academic literature. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 63(1), 1849–1853.
  • IMO (2006). MSC 85/26 Annex (20)- Strategy for the development and implementation of e-navigation. Retrieved from (accessed 19.05.2021).
  • IMO (2013). Report of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation on its fifty-nine (NAV 59/6). Annex 3. Preliminary maritime service portfolios. Retrieved from (accessed 19.05.2021).
  • IMO (2014). Report of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communication, Search and Rescue on its first session (NCSR 1/28) Annex 7. Draft e-navigation strategy implementation plan. Retrieved from (accessed 19.05.2021). Kaptan, M., Sarıalioğlu, S., Uğurlu, Ö., Wang, J. (2021b). The evolution of the HFACS method used in analysis of marine accidents : A review. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 86(November), 86, 1-16.
  • Kaptan, M., Uğurlu, Ö., Wang, J. (2021a). The effect of nonconformities encountered in the use of technology on the occurrence of collision, contact and grounding accidents. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 215(December 2020),107886.
  • Martins, M.R., Maturana, M. C. (2013). Application of Bayesian Belief networks to the human reliability analysis of an oil tanker operation focusing on collision accidents. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 110, 89-109.
  • Mazaheri, A., Montewka, J., Nisula, J., Kujala, P. (2015). Usability of accident and incident reports for evidence-based risk modeling - A case study on ship grounding reports. Safety Science, 76, 202–214.
  • Parasyris, G., Georgoulis, G.L., Nikitakos, N. (2010). Technological improvements on bridge systems as a key factor to marine accident prevention. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics. Retrieved from's_Bridge (accessed 14.06.2021).
  • Patterson, J.M., Shappell, S.A. (2010). Operator error and system deficiencies: Analysis of 508 mining incidents and accidents from Queensland, Australia using HFACS. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(4), 1379–1385.
  • Perera, L.P., Guedes Soares, C. (2015). Collision risk detection and quantification in ship navigation with integrated bridge systems. Ocean Engineering, 109, 344-354.
  • Rashid, H.S.J., Place, C.S., Braithwaite, G.R. (2010). Helicopter maintenance error analysis: Beyond the third order of the HFACS-ME. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40(6), 636–647. Reason, J. (1990). Human error. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9780521314190
  • Shappell, S.A., Wiegmann, D.A. (2000). The Human Factors Analysis and Classification System–HFACS. Retrieved from (accessed 14.02.2019).
  • Sotiralis, P., Ventikos, N.P., Hamann, R., Golyshev, P., Teixeira, A.P. (2016). Incorporation of human factors into ship collision risk models focusing on human centred design aspects. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 156, 210-227.
  • Ugurlu, O., Yıldız, S., Loughney, S., Wang, J. (2018). Modified human factor analysis and classification system for passenger vessel accidents (HFACS-PV). Ocean Engineering, 161, 46–61. Uğurlu, Ö, Köse, E., Yıldırım, U., Yüksekyıldız, E. (2015). Marine accident analysis for collision and grounding in oil tanker using FTA method. Maritime Policy & Management, 42(2), 163–185.
  • Uğurlu, Özkan, Köse, E., Yildirim, U., & Yüksekyildiz, E. (2013). Marine accident analysis for collision and grounding in oil tanker using FTA method. Maritime Policy & Management: The Flagship Journal of International Shipping and Port Research, 42(2), 163-185.
  • Weigmann, D.A., Shappell, S.A. (1997). Human Factors Analysis of Postaccident Data: Applying Theoretical Taxonomies of Human Error. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 7(1), 67–81.
  • Yıldırım, U., Başar, E., Uğurlu, Ö. (2017). Assessment of collisions and grounding accidents with human factors analysis and classification system (HFACS) and statistical methods. Safety Science, 119, 412-425.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Maritime Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Kaptan 0000-0003-3304-4061

Özkan Uğurlu 0000-0002-3788-1759

Publication Date January 1, 2022
Submission Date September 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kaptan, M., & Uğurlu, Ö. (2022). Elektronik seyir cihazlarının deniz kazalarına etkileri. Aquatic Research, 5(1), 89-98.


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