Open Access Policy

The journal ensures instantly open access to make the articles freely available online global. Subscription is not required to reach the papers. All readers have open access to reading, downloading, and printing papers.

Journal does not charge any article submission or processing charges. There is not an open access publication fee for authors.

Karabük Üniversitesi UNIKA Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi- Karabuk University UNIKA Journal of Health Sciences adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative and defines its Open Access policy according to the definition developed in the original BOAI: According to the BOAI, Open Access, “the scientific literature which has been reviewed by the reviewers, through the internet; it is freely accessible, readable, downloadable, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, transmitted as data to the software and available for any legal purpose without financial, legal and technical obstacles.


Last Update Time: 5/15/24, 2:35:34 PM