Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology has agreed and committed to comply with the guidelines (The COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors) prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ethical duties and responsibilities accepted by the journal were prepared taking into account the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Council of Science Editors (CSE).

A. Ethical Guidelines for Editors and Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of The Journal of Food and Feed Science & Technology is committed to adhering to all ethical duties and responsibilities as openly stated on the basis of "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

1-Editors are responsible for all the articles published in the journal and are responsible for contributing to the improvement of the quality of the journal.

2-Editors are obliged to take into consideration and give feedback from readers.

3- Editors should make a positive or negative decision by evaluating the importance of the works submitted to the journal in terms of its importance, authenticity, validity, clarity of the narration and conformity with the aims and objectives of the journal.

4-Editors works sent to the journal; Regardless of the social, cultural, economic characteristics and religious beliefs of the authors, they should only be evaluated within the framework of their intellectual values.

5-Editors and Editorial Board should decide whether the works sent to the journal will be evaluated within 3 weeks and notify the author.

6-Editors and Editorial Board are obliged to inform the authors clearly if they decide to reject the article after the first review.
7-The works sent to the journal should be checked by the editors firstly whether there are reports against the possibility of plagiarism. At this stage, works without plagiarism reports and studies with possible plagiarism are rejected by the editors.

8-Editors and Editorial Board Members should not disclose articles sent to the journal to anyone other than referees.

9-Editors should not encourage the authors to cite any articles or other works in the journal for the acceptance of the works submitted to the journal.

10-Editors should send the articles to the referees who is in the same discipline suitable for their subject expertise.

11- If the editorial board has any conflict of interest with the authors' institutions or one or more interests of the authors, they should inform the commissioned editor and ask them to withdraw from the evaluation process.

12-Editors should encourage referees to evaluate working in an objective, scientific and objective language.

13- Editors should pay attention for choosing referees proses that they should be scientists who objectively evaluate the articles, carry out the peer review process, evaluate the article with constructive criticism and act in accordance with ethical rules.

14-Editors are obliged to inform the boards about the publication policies of the journal by determining the members of the editorial board and the board of referees in accordance with their expertise, can contribute and appropriate.

B. Ethical Guidelines for Author

In terms of publication ethics, The Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is committed to meeting the criteria accepted by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

1-All responsibilities of the works belong to their authors. The works should be prepared in accordance with the principles of scientific ethics, and in cases requiring an Ethics Committee Report, a copy should be attached.

Information on the Ethics Committee Report (board name, date and number no) regarding the following research topics should be given in the method section and also on the last page of the article.
 All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques.
 Using of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
 Clinical researches on humans,
 Research on animals,
 Retrospective studies in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data.
 In addition, copyright regulations must be respected for the ideas and works of art used, obtaining permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs of others.

2- It is mandatory that the works to be published are not published anywhere or sent to any journal to be published.

3- Only articles with abstracts published at national or international congresses are accepted for publication.

4- The Transfer of Copyright Agreement along with the works sent to be published in the journal should be signed by all authors and submitted with the article.

5-The journal uses the double-blind peer review system in which the identities of the referees and authors are hidden from each other in line with the provisions of the COPE.

6-During the publication process, the person (s) who make correspondence with the journal are considered as “Responsible Author”. It is the responsibility of the “Responsible Author” to share the correspondence with other authors, and to take necessary actions on time and correctly. "Responsible Author" does not have to be the first name of the article.

7-In a study whose evaluation process has started, special situations such as adding author, changing the order of the writer and removing the writer are at the initiative of “Responsible Author”.

8-Final Checklist should only be signed by the responsible author and submitted with the article.

9-Articles sent to be published in the Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology cannot be withdrawn after the referee process is started.

10- The Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is requested from responsible authors to prevent Plagiarism and Duplicate.

11-Similarity rate should be maximum 20-30% excluding bibliography.

12-The authors are obliged to declare the situations that may constitute potential conflicts of interest of all the works submitted for publication and the institutions that support the studies in the last part of the article.

13- If the study was produced from graduate theses and there are people or institutions to thank for their contribution to the study, it should also be mentioned in the last part of the article.

C. Ethical Guidelines for Referee

1-If the article area is not in referee’ specialty, if it does not have enough information about the subject of the article or is unable to make a timely evaluation, then the editor should be informed from this situation and the referee should leave the evaluation task.

2-The referees must never evaluate the studies with the author that they have determined that there is competition, cooperation or other relationships or connections.

3-Referees should make their evaluation by respecting the principle of confidentiality and should not share the study with third parties.

4-Referees should keep the privileged information and ideas obtained during the review process secret and should not use them for personal benefit.

5-Referees should make their criticism and suggestions objectively and constructively in a polite language.

6-Insulting comments and criticisms that contain slander and insults against the author should not be used.

7-Referees should support their ideas with documents to clearly support them.

8-Referees should forward the situation to the editor if the evaluated work detects a substantial similarity with another previously published study.