Glenn Dawes Assoc. Prof. Dr. James Cook University Australia
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Educational Sociology


Glenn Dawes has thirty years of experience in conducting research with urban, regional and remote Australian Indigenous people’s. The majority of his research has focused on Indigenous youth who have had interactions with the juvenile justice system. This research has primarily focused on ways of assisting young people to make successful re-entries back to their communities post-detention in terms of ensuring they comply with bail conditions. His research includes conducting qualitative research with young people who have been detained for stealing cars for the purposes of joyriding in order to identify strategies for reducing the high incidence of this crime throughout Queensland. Other research has focused on the structures which are in place to assist young people to comply with bail conditions when they have been released from detention. The evaluation of the Townsville Youth Justice Service identified some of the barriers and challenges young people and their families face when they re-enter their communities post-detention. Another evaluation commissioned by the Queensland Government focused on the effectiveness of two alternative education programmes for young offenders when they leave detention. More recently Glenn was invited to lead a multi-disciplinary team as part of the Federal Governments “Breaking the Cycle” programme to identify the factors contributing to recidivism among remote Aboriginal people living in the remote communities of Mornington Island and Doomadgee. The impacts of the research have led to the establishment of on country camps for returning offenders, the establishment of new positions for Indigenous reintegration officers and a system whereby parole officers work with the families of offenders to ensure they comply with parole conditions. Glenn’s current research is working with Cairns Safer Streets to evaluate a community programme which is designed to prevent young vulnerable people from low socio-economic backgrounds from disengaging from education or entering the juvenile justice system through a number of street- based recreational and sporting activities.


James Cook University Australia
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